Thursday, January 12, 2012

With a Little Help From My Friends

Yeah, bit of a cliche title but, as I've been described before, I'm apparently a master of the cliche.

These past few months or so have been a bit hard to tolerate at points.  Both from my own perspective and from the perspective of others.  Yet the one thing that I'm truly grateful for when these harsh times come up is my wonderful group of friends.

For example:
Last month my cat Drake went missing, and the next day we found him outside our house with his neck broken and frozen through.  He was my little man, a huge part of my world and I was absolutely devastated when we found him (made all the more soul crushing by the fact that he was only 2 years old).

My Little Man: Sir Admiral Drake Cake
So what happened after the fact?
Despite being in an absolute weepy mess for days and weeks afterwards, my friends all rose up to try and comfort me.  My phone was literally exploding with text messages of "we should go hang out" or "let's go watch a movie or something" for the weeks afterwards in an attempt to bring my mind off of the tragedy that had rocked my family.  I think one of the particular events that helped the most was when a few of my friends went out, grabbed a bottle of Captain Morgan (ironically the name of Drake's sister) and we put on shitty movies from Netflix as we laughed and berated the movie the entire time.

Drake's litter sister: Lady Captain Morgan
In time the hurt of it diminished enough and the overwhelming warmth of the friendship that I was getting was enough to really help me get through it. 

Another example:
A friend of mine recently ended a relationship with her boyfriend of a few years.  Much to her misfortune she also had her driving test the next day.  Luckily she managed to pass the driving test but you could tell she was still kind of down-in-the-dumps-y when we met up with her later that same day.  So, being the friends we are we went out for sushi (which despite being a vegetarian I will always make an exception for), grabbed a bottle of rum and put on more movies. 

I'm beginning to notice a trend here...

Point being though, without my friends there to lean on when I need to I don't know where I'd be right now.

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