Monday, January 9, 2012

New Introductions

I'm not exactly a stranger when it comes to the idea of a blog.  In fact, I've probably started more blogs than I'd care to acknowledge and simply lost interest in them because slowly but surely they all became a front for me to sit there and whine about one thing or another.

But just like the abusive ex who keeps trying to win you back "this time I'll be different, I swear!"  Primarily I'm thinking that I want to use this blog as a sort of springboard for ideas while I just explore my own world from day to day, both in the metaphysical sense and in the literal sense.

I suppose I should maybe introduce myself first though now shouldn't I?

My name is Tom (in case you hadn't already seen the "about me" section), I'm a recent college graduate from The College of Saint Rose with a Bachelors of Science in Photography, and on a near weekly basis I play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends.  I enjoy reading (primarily fantasy) and going out on adventures with said friends, however since moving home as my student debt continues to accrue higher and higher interest my adventures have since kind of become stagnant adventures to the mecca of consumeristic glee: The Palisades Center.  Similarly, I'm putting myself back to school at Rockland Community to earn a certificate in web development through my earnings at my winter job (electronics at Target, which so far has brought me nothing but entertainment).

I, like most artists probably say, use my artwork and gaming as a way to put into existence the jumbled thoughts that go through my head.  Things that appear so vividly to me in my mind just begin begging to be released into the real world.  Unfortunately whenever I do get them out into the real world the effects are incredibly lack luster, much like Ira Glass says about most beginners starting out in their creative fields.  The glory of being a beginner though, is that eventually you stop being one and become a pro at it.  I really anticipate that day when I stop being a beginner and someone finally tells me "yes, this is it: you are indeed a pro at what you do". 

...oddly enough I thought that day would be the day I got my diploma buuuuuuut....apparently not the case.

So follow me if you'd like.  I'll actually try to make a concerted effort to actually post on a regular basis instead of posting with the fury for a few weeks then losing interest in it and never looking back.

Alternatively you can follow my long time friend Adam Lopez on his blog, "Things I Am Not".  Or you can follow us's cool.  Just saying is all.

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