Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Adventures at Target Part I

Now don't get me wrong, I do actually enjoy my job.  It's just that some times things get very..."trying" we'll say.  If it's not the huge piles of "push" (items to stock out) or ridiculous "procedures" (daily maintenance protocols) being pushed by managers that no one bothered to train me on, it's mostly the guests: because we're Target and we treat our customers so well that they aren't customers because they are welcomed guests in our place of business dammit.

Today was especially something to behold.  Despite being a Tuesday afternoon, the guests we had today were a breed all their own.  For instance, here's a conversation between myself and one guest:
Myself: Hi there, can I help you find something?
Guest: Yes, I'm looking for car radios.
Myself: I haven't seen anything like that here, but we can take a look.
Guest: I've seen them here before.
Myself: Hmm...well ~thinking to myself 'NOPE!'~ we can take a look over here, but if anything I feel like they'd be down in Automotive.
Guest: Oh I know.
Guest: Which way is it?
Myself: Oh it's...that...way...~points her off in the right direction~
Guest: Thank you!
Or perhaps another that happened to the cellphone girl:
Cell Girl: Hi there, can I help you find something?
Guest: Do all the phones just sit there like that?
Cell Girl: Like how sir?
Guest: Don't they have a cover?
Cell Girl: Well...no...they do sell cases for them separate from the phone.
Guest: No!  I don't want a case for it!  I want a cover!
Cell Girl: Sir, I'm not sure I follow what you're asking for?
Conversation continues as such for several more minutes
Guest: A cover!  Just like this one! ~picks up a flip phone~
Cell Girl: Uhm...
Yeah.   Just part one of an ongoing series that I'm hoping to continue as I continue working here.  Just one adventure out of many.

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