Wednesday, June 13, 2012


So very recently a friend of mine got a job at the movie theatre.  From what I understand, the pay is kind of shit but everyone's pretty chill there overall.  However, one of the major perks: Free movies.  Provided we go with him we get to go see movies for free.

Pretty much.
So, this past Monday we went and saw Prometheus together.  I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I'll be damned: this movie exceeded whatever expectations I wasn't expecting.

As a general synopsis for the plot: a bunch of scientists make a discovery at various archaeological digs around the world that all point to one grouping of planets.  These scientists all suit up, hop on a trillion dollar expedition to this planet in question, and low-and-behold: aliens.

The visual effects were stunningingly great, with minimal points of "well golly gee, I hope those animators were paid overtime!" as far as the CG goes, which sort of remains true to the original Alien series.

However: there are a few overall plot holes/blaringly "DUH" points to the story, which sort of detract from it.  I mean, it sort of has a whole bunch of every single trope imaginable to a space scenario such as: the gun-freak, the science nerd, the military bitch and the android.  I mean some of them are minor enough to ignore and just sit down and watch what's unfolding in front of you, but still...

Overall though I'd say it was a really freaking excellent movie.  If you have the opportunity to go see it: do so- you won't be horribly disappointed.

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