Sunday, June 17, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


So very recently a friend of mine got a job at the movie theatre.  From what I understand, the pay is kind of shit but everyone's pretty chill there overall.  However, one of the major perks: Free movies.  Provided we go with him we get to go see movies for free.

Pretty much.
So, this past Monday we went and saw Prometheus together.  I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I'll be damned: this movie exceeded whatever expectations I wasn't expecting.

As a general synopsis for the plot: a bunch of scientists make a discovery at various archaeological digs around the world that all point to one grouping of planets.  These scientists all suit up, hop on a trillion dollar expedition to this planet in question, and low-and-behold: aliens.

The visual effects were stunningingly great, with minimal points of "well golly gee, I hope those animators were paid overtime!" as far as the CG goes, which sort of remains true to the original Alien series.

However: there are a few overall plot holes/blaringly "DUH" points to the story, which sort of detract from it.  I mean, it sort of has a whole bunch of every single trope imaginable to a space scenario such as: the gun-freak, the science nerd, the military bitch and the android.  I mean some of them are minor enough to ignore and just sit down and watch what's unfolding in front of you, but still...

Overall though I'd say it was a really freaking excellent movie.  If you have the opportunity to go see it: do so- you won't be horribly disappointed.

Adventures at Target Part 2

So...the people at Target generally scare me sometimes.  It's kind of a miracle that they've managed to survive in the world long enough to get to the point where they are now that they can "afford" a 50" LED television.  But even scarier is that fact that the managerial staff are somehow qualified to call themselves such sometimes.

Take for instance this scenario:

My department was starting to get a little busy, but nothing I couldn't handle.  A really cute girl had come up and asked me to sell her a camera, so I more than obliged.  I proceeded to sell up the cameras she was looking at, and overall started to make sure that she knew what she was purchasing (ie: what features it has and all that fun jazz).  Very suddenly my walkie goes off with a very pissy voice "ELECTRONICS YOU HAVE A CALL ON 34, SECOND REQUEST, CAN I GET A COPY?!"

Mind you I hadn't heard the first request, which was then confirmed by the guest I was assisting and confirmed again by the tech-installation guy.  Tech guy says to me "I got this," and picks up his own walkie "Tom's currently assisting a guest and is more than a little busy, can someone else get the freaking call?"

My manager jumps down the walkie's throat "If Tom's so busy he should be calling for backup, I'm sending someone back to electronics now".

The three of us stare at each other in bewilderment.  "I don't think he quite got the message..." the guest starts in.

I dash over to the phone, answer the inane "Do you have XYZ in stock?" and "Can you put that on hold until tomorrow?" questions they always seem privy to ask, and returned to the girl I was helping.

Nearly 10 minutes later "backup" arrived.  Really?  What if it had actually been an emergency?  What if I had a line of 20 people all wanting to be rung out for their crap at once?  What if they all wanted iPads, and me as a single human being couldn't handle them all at once?

But whatever, it's the thought that counts.

Backup then leaves, I sell her the camera, and we part ways.  Not 5 minutes later did a massive crowd appear.  "Can I get backup to electronics?  It's starting to really get swamped back here and could really use a hand."

Manager: "Copy that, great communication!  Alright team, let's remember to keep the communication up so we can really push guest experience!"


Myself: "So about that backup?"

It literally took another 10 minutes for backup to arrive, which, by that time all of the other guests had already left or I had taken care of them.